

    • KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;


    • To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
    • To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
    • To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…
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    PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Sainik Vihar,Delhi


    KV Sainik Vihar, one of the much sought after co- educational institute was established in the year 1984 from Class I to V. At the inception the school was run in tents. from such humble beginnings the School has grown immensely. we have 4 sections from Class I to X and 5 sections in Class XI and 5 sections in Class XII...

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    To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education...

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    To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education...

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    Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
    Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the entire teaching community on the occasion of Teachers’ Day 2024!
    Today, as we celebrate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan extends its deepest gratitude and respect to all educators.

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    Sh Sardar Singh Chauhan

    Deputy Commissioner, KVSRO(Delhi)

    तत्कर्म यन्न बंधाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये। आयासायापरम कर्म विद्यान्या शिल्पनैपुणम।। - श्री विष्णुपुराण अर्थात जो बंधन उत्पन्न न करे वह कर्म है और जो मुक्ति का मार्ग प्रशस्त करे वह विद्या है। शेष कर्म परिश्रम स्वरूप है तथा अन्य विद्यायें तो मात्र कला कौशल ही है। भारतीय ऋषि-मुनियों व मनीषियों ने ज्ञान (विद्या) को मनुष्य की मुक्ति का साधन कहा है। मनुष्य को भय, भूख, दुर्विकार , दुष्प्रवृत्तियाँ, दुराचरण, निर्बलता, दीनता व हीनता, रोग, शोक इत्यादि से मुक्ति की अभिलाषा अनंतकाल से है। श्रीविष्णुपुराण का उपरोक्त महावाक्य हमें यही संदेश देता है कि मनुष्य को ज्ञान के द्वारा अपने समस्त क्लेशों से मुक्ति पाने का पुरुषार्थ करना चाहिए । विद्या त्याग और तपस्या का सुफल होती है इसलिए ज्ञान की उपलब्धि सदैव श्रमसाध्य है। आइये, हम सभी अनुशासित होकर, समर्पित भाव से समस्त उपलब्ध साधनों का मर्यादापूर्वक उपभोग करते हुए ज्ञानार्जन का सद्प्रयास करें। अपनी दिनचर्या में उचित आहार, विहार और विचार का समावेश करते हुए व्यक्ति के रूप में प्रकृति प्रदत्त अनंत संभावनाओं को ज्ञान की पवित्र ऊर्जा के आलोक में पल्लवित व पुष्पित करें। हम सभी कृष्ण यजुर्वेद के तैत्रीय उपनिषद के इस सूत्र का प्रतिदिन अपने विद्यालयों में प्रात:कालीन प्रार्थना सभा में सस्वरपाठ करते हैं:- ॐ सह नाववतु सह नौ भुनक्तु, सह वीर्यम करवावहै। तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै, ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः।। आइये, इस सूत्र में छुपे महान संदेश को समझें और अपने जीवन में आत्मसात कर अपना नित्य कर्म करें । मैं, दिल्ली संभाग के समस्त अधिकारीयों, प्राचार्यों, शिक्षकों, विद्यार्थियों, व कार्मिकों को अपनी हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं प्रेषित करता हूँ और सभी के लिए सफल व सुखद भविष्य की कामना करता हूँ ।

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    Smt Sangeeta Yadav


    Education is a wider concept which envisages many aspects within its premises. School education has great responsibility to shoulder with the sole motive of making our future generation wider in their thinking and responsive in their behavior. The true sense of education can find every solution and can defeat all apprehensions true or false with the courage and confidence through education. School is a place where we get an opportunity to instill right values and humanitarian approach in our future generation. The role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate its students to be incessant learner and critical thinker of ever changing scenarios across the globe. The role of a teacher is more vital and challenging than any other in the society. A true teacher is a torch bearer in the society who is always ready to meet the challenges with his/her exemplary courage and caliber to give new shape to our society .The active participation and co-operation of parents are highly solicited to meet the objectives and the desired results so that our students can become a true global citizen.

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    Social Wall

    Explore Things

    Academic Planner

    Academic Planner

    KVS Academic Calendar of Activities.

    Academic Result

    Academic Result

    100% Result in Class X and Class XII.

    Bal Vatika

    Bal Vatika

    Bal Vatika is not available now.

    Nipun Lakshay

    Nipun Lakshay

    Foundational learning in students up to grade 3.

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    Remedial Classes and Extra Classes.

    Study Materials

    Study Materials

    Preparation of Board Exams.

    Workshops & Trainings

    Workshops & Trainings

    Online and offline mode for teachers as per KVS Guidelines.

    Student Council

    Student Council

    Maintain discipline and conduct lot of activities in Vidyalaya.

    Know Your School

    Know your School

    Well renowned school to cater needs of students.

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    Activity based learning.

    Digital Language Lab

    Digital Language Lab

    Not Available.


    ICT – eClassrooms & Labs

    Digital devices ,educational software, and internet connectivity.



    Meet the needs of students.


    Labs - Physics/Chemistry/Biology

    Help students better understand with the help of practicals.

    Building and BaLA Initiatives

    Building & BaLA Initiatives

    Activities under Bala.

    Sports Infrastructure

    Sports Infrastructure (Play Fields)

    Sports persons perform or indulge in sports activities.



    Creation of safe Environments.



    It improves physical ability and skills.


    NCC/Scout & Guides

    Scout and Guide Activities.

    Education Excursion

    Education Excursion

    Reinforce experiential and contextual learning



    Inspires young minds.


    Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc

    Innovations and Creativity.

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    Unity in Diversity

    Art and Craft

    Art & Craft

    Development of Creativity Skills.

    Fun Day

    Fun Day

    learning done by Fun.

    youth parliament

    Youth Parliament

    Students involve in school governance and decision making.

    PM SHRI Schools

    PM SHRI Schools

    Creating Holistic and well-rounded individuals.

    Skill Education

    Skill Education

    Development of skills in students.

    Guidance and Counselling

    Guidance & Counselling

    Personal happiness and social usefulness.

    Community Participation

    Community Participation

    Nurturing and welcoming environment



    School Volunteer Programme.



    make content available to the general public

    News Letter

    News Letter

    highlighting the various exemplary activities covering every aspect

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    E Magazine

    Glorious Moments

    See What's Happening

    News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School



    The young and innovative minds of PM Shri Sainik Vihar are learning, playing with tinkering objects and enjoying their experiment in vidyalaya.

    lipan art
    Lipan Art

    Under PM SHRI, PRE-VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM was organized for students where they participated with great enthusiasm.

    book week

    Children's Book Week

    Students took part in different activities like Book Jacket Making and story writing through hints and many more.



    • somvir
      Mr Somvir

      Achieved Highest PI in Subject Maths for class X in Session 2023-24.

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    • Pgt chem
      Mr Puneet Sawhney PGT Chemistry

      Achieved PI higher than KVS PI with 100% Result for Chemistry subject in Session 2023-24

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    • aarav
      Master Aarav

      He got cash incentive of Rs. 10,000/- under INSPIRE MANAK Competition.

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    • navya
      Navya kumar

      Selected for DTU in IIT MAINS

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    Little Open Library

    toy library

    PM SHRI School Toys Library.

    Our Vidyalaya Toppers

    CBSE Board Examination Class X and Class XII


    • student name

      Nupur Yadav
      Scored 98.7%

    • student name

      Scored 91.4%


    • student name

      Lakshay Relan
      Scored 88%

    • student name

      Scored 88.8%

    • student name

      Chahat Yadav
      Scored 85%

    • student name

      Navya Kumar
      Scored 92.4%

    • student name

      Scored 93.4%

    • student name

      Bhavesh Yadav
      Scored 86.2%

    Vidyalaya Results

    Year of 2023-24

    Appeared 154 Passed 154

    Year of 2022-23

    Appeared 243 Passed 243

    Year of 2021-22

    Appeared 242 Passed 242

    Year of 2020-21

    Appeared 231 Passed 230