
    About KV

    Important Milestone Of Growth :

    Gradual Expansion in Scholastic and non-scholastic arena over the years From the modest beginning to a three storeyed building with excellent infrastructure constituting about 50 class rooms , two audio/Visual room for primary and secondary students, 3 computer labs, one lab for each science subject and a junior science lab,5 Smart rooms School has also won the First School Sanitation Award School has won Eco-Friendly Award from Indian Institute of Ecology & Environment New Delhi School has received a Certificate of Social WOrk from Smile Foundation Presently holder of the ever-rolling trophy for Boxing at the 37th KVS National Sports Meet for consecutively winning for three years School received the SAARC Education award for environmental activities in year 2007 National Teaching Excellence Award received by Confederation of Indian Universities(International Association of Educators for World Peace(IAEWP) on World Teachers Day School received zonal youth parliament trophy of session 2017-18 ATL lab is set up in vidyalaya in 2016.

    KV Sainik Vihar, one of the much sought after co- educational institute was established in the year 1984 from Class I to V. At the inception the school was run in tents. from such humble beginnings the School has grown immensely. we have 4 sections from Class I to X and 5 sections in Class XI and 5 sections in Class XII.This Vidyalaya is located in the vicinity of Sainik Vihar, Pitampura in north-west Delhi in civil sector. The Vidyalaya running in a beautiful spacious building., is spread over 8 acres of land

    kendriya Vidyalaya Sainik Vihar Is 2 Shift Vidyalaya :

    • State/ut : Delhi
    • District : Pitampura
    • Sector : Civil
    • Highest Class And No. Of Sanctioned Sections : I Shift: 4 Sections For 1 To X, 5 Sections For XI And XII, II Shift : 1 Section For 1 To
    • Year Of Opening : 1984